Building a better future
Our goal is to be at the forefront of delivering highly sustainable projects that add social value.
As a forward thinking and modern company, we are committed to having a positive impact on the people our projects effect, the environment in which we work and to ensure we leave a lasting legacy through our work.
Our social value goal is outlined as: building sustainable projects by brilliant people to support our community and enable a better environment. The ambitions within our strategy are:
Sustainable projects
Brilliant people
Support community
Better environment
Becoming a carbon positive company
✓ Focus on reducing energy consumption and waste
✓ Use renewable and recyclable resources where possible
✓ Create a local network of suppliers and purchase from local suppliers whenever practicable
✓ Careful consideration of material order quantities and delivery schedules to a ensure minimum waste
✓ Consider waste generation and the cost of waste as part of project delivery
✓ Ensure suppliers are subject to the Helix CMS review process
✓ Share good practice with all supply chain for continuous improvement
Delivering a Net Zero NHS
As a partner of the NHS, specifically the Hull University Teaching Hospital Trust we take the target to deliver a Net Zero NHS very seriously. As a direct supplier to the Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust we recognise their ambitious commitment to be carbon neutral by 2030 and we fully support this pledge.
As a construction company within the healthcare industry it is important that business decisions we take are focused on becoming carbon positive and that we prioritise sustainable initiatives on our projects for the Hull University Teaching Hospital Trust.